The bar has been raised. It is no longer “SSD” vs “Spinning Disk”,
It is Non-Volatile vs Non-Volatile. At the heart of the SBS 4:48 is the Storbyte Eco Flash™ / Flash Drive.
The Eco Flash2™ drive and SBS 4:48 are powered by the Patented Storbyte Hydra™ architecture utilizing the advanced mathematics and Patented Algorithms of the Data Remapping and Command Optimization (DRACO) layer enabling a distributed resource utilization model providing an exponential return on available memory and processing resources. The combination of the Hydra/DRACO modeling provides enterprise class performance at a commodity based price point establishing the Storbyte Eco Flash2™ systems as the defined price performance benchmark.
*Low Power
*Low Heat Rejection
*Extended Drive Life
*Sustainable Throughput
*Future Proof Hardware Design
*Enhanced FW for Garbage Collection
*Internal Cable Management
*Software Agnostic
*Extreme Density (Drives Expanded to 64TB EACH)
*Excellent Performance for Media/Entertainment *Applications
- The SBS 4:48 Javelin software / file system takes the
expectation of enterprise class software features to the next
level providing options such as Intelligent and Assignable
Multi-Tier De-Duplication and Compression. You now have
the flexibility to assign data optimization to specific data sets
or tiers of storage. In addition the Javelin Software Data
Services provide an industry leading Zero Impact Direct
Mount Snap Shot feature that is fully integrated into what is
considered one of the best Synchronous / Asynchronous +
Ture Metro Clustering replication in our industry
- Any Hardware - Any Connectivity
Multi-Tier, Hybrid Capable Expansion
- Seamless Fail-Over and Upgrades,
Active Updates & Roll Backs